How to seperate laundry based on the color

How to seperate laundry based on the color

For fast washing of clothes, but also fast drying of clothes, the easiest solution is at easywash Self Service Laundry, coin laundry. You can wash and dry clothes, quilts and clothing in less than an hour easily. Follow the steps below for washing and drying clothes and clothing.

  1. Choose the commercial washer with coin receiver depending on the amount of clothes you have.
  2. You can buy softener and detergent from the soap vending machine, or use your own.
  3. On the automatic washers as well as on the wall of the store there are all the necessary instructions with the steps you have to follow.
  4. When the laundry is finished in the coin wash, transfer your laundry to the commercial dryers with coin, depending on the amount of clothes you have.
  5. Follow the instructions on the dryers with coin receiver and on the wall of the store.
  6. When the clothes are dry, you can use the counter to fold all your clothes. The amazing thing is that with commercial dryers you don’t have to iron your clothes. Just fold them !!

But how do we separate our clothes according to their color so that all our clothes are washed properly and efficiently? Read our tips below:

Arrange the clothes by color

Most people know that sorting clothes, before washing, starts by separating white clothes from dark ones. However, some experts believe that we need to go even further and organize the clothes according to their shades.

You can start by placing, in the washers with coin, clothes that are white – without patterns or embroidery.

The next set of clothes should include white with prints or embroidery, along with light shades of yellow. Colored clothes are washed separately, such as red, orange, bright yellow, light blue, green.

You can group dark clothes, and separate purple, blue and other dark colors from brown or black clothes.

Visit the nearest easywash store in Attica, Alexandroupolis, Astypalea, Volos, Thessaloniki, Ithaca, Katerini, Corfu, Kefalonia, Komotini, Crete, Lemnos, Mykonos, Paros, Patra, Rhodes, Serres, and enjoy fast washing of clothes but also economical washing of clothes!!